For 2025 NHRRA is using New Zealand Rugby's new online account and registration system, Rugby Explorer, known as RX, which is a system developed by Rugby Australia and used in Australia, USA, New Zealand and a growing number of Unions around the world.  To register for 2025 and future season, you will need to have an account with Rugby Xplorer.

It is easy to create your account, go to:


and follow the steps.  We have included a video below to show you what to do.

If during account creation you find you have mulitple NZ Rugby IDs, please take a screenshot or note down the Rugby ID numbers, and let Membership know via email to Members@nhrra.co.nz.  Choose one of the IDs and complete the Account Creation.  Membership will arrange to have your Rugby IDs merged so you have all your history under one Rugby ID.  RX is based around a single account for a person, with mulitple registrations recorded against this single account.

Registration will open on Monday 3 February.  To Register follow the steps below in the Registration Section.

Now you have an account, you can download the RX App for your phone.  This will replace AppointMe in the future also.



The following are the steps for registering with North Harbour RRA in Rugby Xplorer for 2025.  There is a video below that shows the steps to complete your registration with North Harbour RRA.

  1. Login to your RX Account at https://auth.rugbyxplorer.com.au/login?clientId=portal&codeChallenge=&redirectPath=/
  2. Click REGISTER in the menu on the left above My Profile
  3. Click Find A Club
  4. Select your profile that you will be registering with North Harbour RRA > NEXT
  5. Search Club Name: North Harbour RRA & select the Association > NEXT
  6. Select Role [Match Official], Registration Type [Referee] & Duration [Season].  > NEXT
    2. Note Don't select Associate Referee (this is only for Club volunteer referees) or Referee Administrator (only for Board members who are not referees), as this will cause issues with your registration and appointments to matches 
  7. Check your Personal details are correct, and amend if appropriate > NEXT
  8. Add Profile Picture if there isn't one, mandatory requirement for Referees > NEXT
  9. Check your Additional Details and complete any gaps > NEXT
  10. Confirm Emergency Contact Details including phone number, mandatory > NEXT
  11. Police Vetting - YES, required as NHRRA can't confirm that you will only be involved in 18 & over matches. Licence Number is most commonly Drivers Licence, but can be any government official ID document. > NEXT
  12. Additional Questions, from NHRRA, Harbour, Blues & NZ Rugby. > NEXT
    1. Note Harbour is asking all registrations across the Union if they are interested in Refereeing.
  13. Registration Summary, Payment Detail and Terms & Conditions.
    1. Note if you check the "Your club provides you with the option of marking payment directly to your club." you won't be prompted to pay now (note the button will still say Pay $31.05), or have to pay the Credit Card surcharge. Otherwise the next screen will take credit card payment. > PAY $31.50
  14. Congratulations you are registered and should receive a registration email from Rugby Xplorer.

If you have any questions please contact members@nhrra.co.nz and Scott will help you through the process.